In memory of Gwen Parsons

By Jenny Childs

In memory of someone special

In memory of Gwen,  we'd like to take the opportunity to make a real difference to individuals and families who are impacted by cancer.

As a part of Gwen's

 memorial, which will be 

held on Friday 18th March

 at the Church of Christ in

 Naracoorte at 2pm, we

 would really appreciate a

 donation in her memory.

 Alternatively, there will be

 envelopes available at the


Cancer Council SA is a community funded organisation and rely on our support to fund ground-breaking research and support programs and services. All the money raised will directly support South Australians impacted by cancer and every dollar will make a huge difference. Together we can support Cancer Council SA as they continue to work towards a cancer free future. Thank you for your support.

Thank you to my Supporters


Ian Parsons


Faye Dorothy Cameron


John Lees


Allan And Maria Lees


Matthew And Sarah Rowley



Gage Parsons


Fay Childs


Di & Matt Mcdonald



Brodie Childs


Keith & Rhelma


David Carter

Thoughts and prayers for Ian and families at this time.


April Parsons

Love you ❤




Amanda Day


Jason And Heidi

Love and hugs to all the family during this tough time ❤


Dave And Tracey Parsons


Kirsty Musci

Sending lots of love at this sad time 💜


Nyria Doak

For my darling Granny May ❤️


Belle Kerr

Thinking of you and your family


Bert And Kerri-lee Pearson

Sorry to hear about Gwens passing. Big hugs Jenny and family