Thank you to my Supporters


Raluca Tudor




Eriita And Family
To the beautiful Papuc family, I am so sorry for your tremendous loss, I am thinking of you all and sending you lots of loving thoughts in this difficult time, love Reets

Kerryn Lawson

Robert Ellul

Mirela Bordean
Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca si sa va ajute in acomodarea vietii fara el... Dumnezeu sa ne ajute pe toti, pe rand, sa trecem prin aceste clipe grele...

Ana, Pete, Alina + Oti Mccarthy
Cu multa dragoste si sincere condoleante. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca pe Dan. We know he is watching his family from heaven, and is so proud of all of you xx

Victor Stamatescu
We are very sorry for your loss. Our sincerest condolences, Victor and Julia

Paras Stefanopoulos

Stacey Moros
Thinking of you Viorica and your family. My prayers are with you all. In loving memory of your beloved husband x

Anthony Vizaniaris
May Dan Rest in Peace. Condolences to the family. My Prayers are with you all.

Ada & Doru
In amintirea lui Dan, un prieten drag!

Mihaela & Stefann Maguran
Dan odihneste in pace, si-a indeplinit menirea in viata cu dragoste si dedicatie si lasa in urma o mostenire impresionanta. Sa va bucurati pentru el si pentru viata lui realizata, pe care i-ati inconjurat-o cu dragoste, asa cum si el v-a iubit!

Sonia Vial
Hoping you find comfort and peace from the love that surrounds you during this difficult and sad time, with love xx


Mario, Flavia, Joseph And Michael Luppino
Condolences to Viorica and family. Our prayers and thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

Anna Lumibao
Dear Viorica, Much love to you and your family. May our good Lord comfort all of you in this difficult time. God bless...

Anca, Ioana, Adela
Un ultim omagiu in amintirea unui prieten bun. Suntem cu sufletul alături de familie in aceste momente de durere. RIP

Cristina And Florin Dumitru
In memory of our dear friend Dan Papuc.

Lavina & Michael
Condolences to the Papuc Family. May Dan rest peacefully and his memory be eternal 🙏 ❤

Catalin Popescu
In memoria lui Dan

In memoria lui Dan

Sorin Si Narcisa
Dumnezeu sa-i dea odihna cea vesnica , iar voua, familiei, sa va dea taria sa treceti prin aceasta incercare grea. Sincere condoleante, cu multa tristete in suflet!

Another Daniel

Dan Si Nunu?
May Dan rest in piece! Much love to you and the girls!

Cconstantin Naum
Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca in pace. Suntem cu gandul alaturi de voi. Alexandra și Costa

Lidia Calio

Andrew Spencer

Anne Finlay

Dumnezeu sa I odihneasca in Pace si sa va mingiie pe dumneavoastra si familia indurerata,

Marcela And Alex Nadasan
Will always remember your happy personality and beautiful smile! Rest in peace Dan.

Petru Braica
Rest in peace, dear friend!, we will always remember you!

Luiza, Radu & Alex Gheorghiu
In memory of Dan

Jane Sykes
Much love to you at this sad time, dear Viorica.

Oana And Florin Visan
So sorry for your loss.

Thomas Krischer

Monica Popa
In loving memory of our dear friend Dan Papuc whom we have lost to this disease. We will never forget your kind heart, happy nature and wonderful friendship, Dan. Love forever, from Lulu, Monica and the kids.

David Bugg
With love and condolences, David, Erin, and Molly.

So sorry for your loss! RIP.

Lorena And Sinta Krischer And Mark
From Lori, Sinta and Marc

Isla Allen
Dear Ms Papuc, I am so so sorry to hear the sad news. Thinking of you and your family and sending my love and condolences. Love from Isla xx

In memory of Dan xx

He will always be remembered as a great, funny, loving human being.
