Thank you to my Supporters

Anthony Munro

John Elaine Garrett
Witjhsincere condolences to Ben and Jo and their families at the loss of their dear Mum, Pipes (Jan)

John George
Hi Ben and Jo, Margaret and I were saddened to hear of your Mum's passing. We had established a long friendship with both your Mum and Dad, and we share your grief.

Shane And Chrissy
Much love and respect xx

Bev Brideson
In memory of a very special friend over 54yrs. Jam you were an amazing and vibrant woman and will be missed by many. Such great memories laughs and good times especially with the awesome foursome in New Zealand. Now at peace with Hunts.

Kate Williams
Beautiful woman. Special memories xx

Dianne Piper

Judy & John Bennett
Wonderful memories of our Dear Jan and the fun times in New Zealand. Our friendship has been very special over the passed 54 years. RIP Jan

Anna Bradford

Lynette Hale
In loving memory of a beautiful sister and much loved aunt. Lyn, Justin, Melissa and Families

Cath Jiggins
Fondest memories of our friend Jan over 57 years. Sympathy to Jo and Ben and families. We will miss you Jan. Cath and Nev.

Mga Insurance Group
Our thoughts are with the family at this difficult time.

From Tex, Speedy, Leisha and the boys